Puan Still Dual Positions, Office of the DPP PDIP protested KIH!

Office of the DPP PDIP protested KIH!

Puan Still Dual Positions, Office of the DPP PDIP protested KIH!

JAKARTA (TEROPONGSENAYAN) - Coordinating Minister for the Status of Human Development and Culture (Coordinating PMK) Puan Maharani are also still listed as a member of Parliament questioned by many. One of these elements of the student.

Groups of students who are members of the Caucus Indonesia Terrific (KIH) held a demonstration in front of the PDIP to question Puan Maharani who have not provided a letter of resignation in person to the House.

"We urge the DPP PDIP to be more open and responsive in resolving the status PDIP cadres so that the public does not feel suspicious and disappointed," said Coordinator KIH Syarif Hidayatullah in front of the PDIP, Central Jakarta, Wednesday (09/09/2015).

The Puan attitude, said Sharif, had violated Law No. 39 of 2008 on the post of the ministry. The Law confirmed the prohibition for ministers to concurrently.

"The law clearly says that a minister is prohibited from holding concurrent positions. If the position outside the office of state administrators, we are not going to debate it," ketusnya.

"Still unclear status of the resignation of the Minister Puan official of the House of Representatives shows that the issue of compliance with guiding principles for state officials is still very weak. Jargon mental revolution is just nonsense," he finished. (Yn)
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