whether such named president

whether such named president

Haris Rusly, Activists Petition 28: What Pointless President Sign Forest It Scorched Burned? Catch the Burn! Do not Just Artisan Sate Arrested!

TeropongSenayan - President Jokowi already begun chaotic way of thinking. I think already do not know anymore what to do. Doing blusukan into the woods that had been burned. What is the point of entry into the forest act that has been charred, besides troublesome Paspampres?

Forest that was burned was supposed to be led to extinguish. Therefore, the area of ​​the fire could be seen from the map are available. There is no point in further reviewed, but in it there are people who threatened his life.

It does not move to take the risk. Called risk due to the aim of saving something that is threatened. For example, into the forest that has not been burned, and stood at the forefront leading the outage immediately, so that the forest area was burned.

Now, if the forest had been burned, then what is the point further into the jungle that is so gray and charcoal, suck all the dust and ashes? Peek here and there like people are confused.

Forests have been burned many weeks ago, instead led to extinguish. This new after burned into the forest as a hero. Mas brooo hero for whom?

# Sorry about volunteers hooligans, this mode does escape from the problems that accumulate inside the palace.
(Haris Rusly, Activists Petition 28)
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