ISIS threat in Indonesia

ISIS threat in Indonesia

The threat of the radical group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) to Indonesia should be aware, in order not to be real. News delivered from a number of foreign media, activist hacker group Anonymous said, a number of new plans ISIS in the world, including Indonesia on Sunday, November 22, 2015.

Anonymous subgroup, called OpParisIntel which publishes the plan to attack this ISIS. Countries that made potential targets is Paris, France; United States of America; Indonesia; Italy; and Lebanon.

In the list were successfully hacked, ISIS planned to attack several places in the capital of France, an event at Philips Area WWE Survivor in Atlanta, USA, and musical performances Five Finger Death Punch in Milan, Philippines.

Other threats directed at the University Pastoral Day event in Lebanon, Al-Jihad event, one Juz One Day in Indonesia, and the global celebration of the Catholic Church, the Feast of Christ the King.

This publication aims to make sure the whole world, or at least the people who go to these events, know that there are threats and there is likely to be an attack.

Another aim is to ensure Daesh (Arabic name for ISIS) know that the world knows and cancel the attacks, which will mislead them for a while.

The Government of Indonesia, the Indonesian National Army and Police of the Republic of Indonesia, based on data Anonymous, recently admitted, ISIS indeed threatened to attack the community activity One Day One Juices (ODOJ) held at the Al-Jihad Karawang, West Java. This event was held, with the headline Falkirk Koran.

News reports about the threat of ISIS is certainly shocked the mosque caretaker and organizer ODOJ. But it is not clear why, ISIS target a community of more than 130 thousand people of Indonesia and abroad who love the Koran and motivate each other to get used to recitations of the day one juz.

Chairman ODOJ Ricky Adrinaldi ISIS questioned this threat. In fact, the community movement whose goal is not to undermine.

"We urge people chanting, open the Koran more often. But we are alert to this threat, because there are 1,000 people present at the Karawang Koran, "he said.

Ricky added, ISIS diketahu threat since the early days before the event was held. And, it certainly makes ODOJ and DKM Masjid Al-Jihad Falkirk worry. They immediately coordinated over to the police.

One company consisting of 60 personnel deployed to secure the event. That amount, not including plainclothes officers who joined the congregation in the mosque.

But this threat is not proven, safe walking activities recite Falkirk until the end of the event. No ganggua means facing the security officer.

"There intel Police were present and monitor the conditions inside, Thank God, no one disturbs the show," he said.

According to Ricky, though it was often held a similar event from Aceh to Papua, which involve thousands of pilgrims, but only this time there is a threat to ODOJ. Therefore, direct coordination is done by the security forces.

Related to this threat, Ricky appealed to all officers and members of the Community One Day One Juz in the region and abroad to continue preaching ODOJ, without worrying against external threats.

As an officially registered organization in Kemenkumham RI, ODOJ not part of any group and is not part of a particular organization. ODOJ open to all Muslims who wish to join.

"ODOJ remain committed to deliver propaganda by presenting Islam as a mercy to the worlds," he said.

BNPT guess ISIS threat of provocation

Meanwhile, the National Agency for Combating Terrorism (BNPT) to ask the entire community to be aware of threats made against Indonesian ISIS. But people also do not panic against threats such ISIS issued hacker group Anonymous.

However, security forces asked for clarification. Therefore, it is feared exhaled issue provocative form that the impact would be detrimental to the people.

"Do not tell me, it's provocative issues that hurt us. Whatever, from any source, we reiterate remain vigilant, "said Irfan Idris BNPT spokesman in Jakarta, Sunday, November 22, 2015.

According to Irfan, people have to be more vigilant. Moreover, just before Christmas and New Year. BNPT he continued to supervise the various threats, also from radical groups other than ISIS.

There are two problems that need to be emphasized in this, namely physical security and security ideology. As a country, a security must be maintained. Faced with radical groups such as ISIS not only be done by the military, police, BNPT, and other government elements. The prevention of the movement of radical groups has to be done jointly by the public and sustainable elements.

Head of Public Information Bureau Police Headquarters, Brig Gen. Agus Rianto added, was widely circulated amid threats that could have been made by certain groups of interests.

Agus ensure, Police Headquarters always ready to do security throughout the region in Indonesia. However, all the elements relevant to the community are encouraged to be more aware and sensitive to the situation and developments in the surrounding communities.

"Thank God, so far the country situation remains conducive," he said.

TNI and Police also threatened

At the end of 2014, ISIS challenging the Indonesian National Army and Police of the Republic of Indonesia. This challenge was delivered to Abu Jandal Al Yamani Al Indonesi through video on Youtube.

Abu Jandal respond to the wishes TNI commander General Moeldoko that time, who want to join the coalition countries to eradicate ISIS group in Southeast Asia.

In a video message on the publish December 25, 2014, is not yet known where Abu Jandal four-minute video recording one second of it.

In his message, he menyapaikan to General Moeldoko, Police, and Banser that their arrival was awaited.

"We have heard that you will help the coalition forces to eliminate daulah this caliphate. Surely that we are happy to hear. Therefore, it means God willing, a meeting between us and you hastened by Allah, "said Abu Jandal.

ISIS, said Abu Jandal, it is waiting for the arrival of the military and police in an effort to help the United States in the fight against the group. In fact, Abu Jandal will go to the Indonesian Armed Forces Commander to uphold the law of God.

Abu Jandal reiterated his group would slaughter all members of the military and police were proud to mention that the Republic of Indonesia as a fixed price.

"Know that the soldiers of God waiting for you. The soldiers of God in the land of Sham and Iraq, was very happy when I heard you guys would join the coalition. We're waiting for you, "said Abu Jandal.

ISIS cyber warfare

Beyond the real action in the siege, a fierce fight between extremist groups ISIS and the hacker group Anonymous frequently occur. Prior to divulge ISIS plans to attack Idonesia and several countries, Anonymous also often inform the secret steps ISIS.

Both groups compete with each other their respective strengths. Anonymous decided to ISIS war, because this group claims to be the culprit of terror Paris last weekend.

Previously, Anonymous has declared cyber war against the ISIS. Meanwhile, ISIS confirms undaunted by Anonymous cyber attacks. Extremist group that claimed to have a guide to counteract the Anonymous attacks.

As if not to be outdone, Anonymous also released a guide for anyone who wants to hack ISIS. There are three guidelines, including how to identify and paralyze websites and social networking accounts related to ISIS.

The guide, including 'NoobGuide' for anyone who wants to learn to hack, then 'Reporter' which is an explanation of an account set up process guide the robot, as well as the 'Searcher' which is a guide to find the ISIS website.

Anonymous admitted if there are contributing to help the attack, the group will look further strengthen the fight against ISIS entitled OpParis.

So far, the Anonymous cyber war over ISIS reported to have managed to cripple Twitter account associated with the group. The hacker group claimed to have crippled more than 5,000 accounts were scattered on Twitter. Meanwhile, Telegram, a messaging application that allegedly used the ISIS group, claimed to have crippling 78 Telegram account associated ISIS.

Anonymous is not the first time it targeted a group of ISIS. Earlier, in January of this year, after the tragedy of the attack to the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, directly targeting Anonymous ISIS.

A group of hackers when it targeted social media accounts associated and identified with ISIS. Anonymous also paralyze the extremist group's website.

Not only fought directly with ISIS, Anonymous hacker gang is also often associated ISIS divulge information relating to America. Not long ago, they accused the United States of being behind the websites of terrorist recruitment and brainwashing ISIS.

A company identified provide digital protection against sites ISIS. Anonymous companies accused named CloudFlare has protected ISIS. The company is based in America, and indeed provide protection services for its clients from digital attacks.

CloudFlare protects more than 50 sites ISIS propaganda. Anonymous warned the company, but they refused. Anonymous pointed, the company received the money from terrorists and continued protection of the site and the ISIS server.

Hacking operations against these sites are run under the name Anonymous OPloudFlare. They intend to punish CloudFlare, for supporting terrorism.

However, a leader in digital security company denied their involvement with ISIS. CloudFlare CEO stated, it is a demand protection from the police and US spy agencies.

"We were asked to continue the protection of the ISIS website to find out where the direction of the spread of it, and the possibility of new potential terrorists," said CloudFlare CEO Matthew Prince.

He also said that if the company never received any payment in the form of extremists. CloudFlare make sure, will stop protection against sites ISIS if it is ordered by the relevant authorities, police and US spy agencies.

However, Anonymous did not necessarily believe it. Anonymous wants to CloudFlare make sure, if the security authorities were behind it all.

Anonymous does have launched an operation to 'kill' all sorts of ISIS website in cyberspace. Not only involve Facebook and Twitter to cover the associated account ISIS, Anonymous also launched DDoS attacks and related forums page to ISIS.

CloudFlare was an American company that provides free protection from DDoS attacks. Unfortunately, Anonymous claims could not penetrate the barricades CloudFlare protects the ISIS website, because Anonymous frequently uses DDoS based attacks.
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