aliens took part in the control of heat and sunlight !

Born Independent - Heat and sunlight make us as beings of Earth alive. Surprisingly, some people who claim researchers believe that aliens took part in the control of heat and sunlight are released into the earth.

An 'expert' has seen what he claimed was the UFO with great form around the sun. This, he claims, is seen in this week in the image sent from the Solar Heliospheric Observaory.

It may not be their first trip around the sun, as claimed by Russian scientists look at six to seven years ago, as reported by the Daily Mail on Saturday (03/05/2016).

"People should know the truth that is hidden NASA," wrote Myunhauzen in a statement in one of his videos.

He released the tape yesterday, featuring a strange green object floating near the sun. "I've heard the news, about 6 to 7 years ago there were two Russian scientists who discovered the UFO with large size around the sun at the same time, 24 hours per day, and every day," said Scott C. Waring UFO Sightings Daily on its website ,

"They stated that the UFO increases and slowed for no apparent reason and they suddenly turn right 90 degrees quickly," he added.

He estimates that if the alien continues to travel in space, then the 'vehicle' they are much more advanced than that of a human spacecraft.

Waring also explained that the areas identified by the Russian scientists 'long-lost' from the web.

"They're out there ... around the sun, doing whatever it was," wrote Waring.

According to him, one of the possible carried out by the aliens are controlling the sun.

"They might be able to control the sun, to keep the Earth's temperature remains stable or may be they are 'harvesting' of heavy elements, extremely rare and powerful."

"Let us hope that they do not make a mistake and 'bake' our planet," he added.
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