illustration / Photo: Thinkstock | - Zika virus threats that can cause microcephaly defects in newborns is still a scourge for the international community. World Health Organization (WHO) is closely monitoring the progress and every new infected regions will be a concern.
Related to that the Australian government issued official circular urging their citizens to be careful to Indonesia, including Bali since called Zika virus is spreading.
"Indonesia is experiencing sporadic transmission Zika virus through mosquito bites," wrote the appeal was quoted as saying on the official government website on Monday (06/20/2016).
"Given the possibility that Zika virus can cause severe malformations in unborn babies, to take an approach that very carefully pregnant women are advised to discuss any travel plans with their doctor and consider delaying his trip to Indonesia," continued writing appeal.
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Local media associate this announcement with their statements Indonesian citizen (citizen) who contracted the virus in Taiwan. A 22-year-old man who works as a crew (ABK) fish finders from Blitar, East Java.
Director General of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) Ministry of Health Affairs, Dr. HM Subuh, MPPM say where the origin of the virus is still unclear. Do it right from Indonesia or acquired while the patient was traveling was still being investigated.
"It has also been done to explore the history coordination journey in question, including the departure of the patient to be an agent of Taiwan. We are waiting for more developments continued later," said Dawn.
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