Car esemka original product Indonesia has inaugurated

Independent News - The construction of a car factory in the village Esemka Demangan, District Sambi, Boyolali, Central Java, enter the first stage. In addition to the two buildings currently being made, of information obtained Sindonews there are still about eight other buildings that will be erected.

Khabar that circulated among residents, Esemka plant is scheduled to be inaugurated by President Jokowi in April. Inauguration deliberately done after the half-finished project.

"If done laying the first, worried stalled," said Wahid, 32, a resident of plant location. Before the implementation of the project, the site has also been reviewed a number of officials from Boyolali regency.

Haters Mute, Car Factory Esemka April Jokowi will be inaugurated tomorrow
Illustration - Implementation of the project is also supervised by local residents.

Even someone who is considered as a "great man" also has come to look at the same location when President Jokowi had a celebration in-law some time ago.

"I do not know who, but the advent of disposable Mercedes," said Sumadi, 48, one of the local residents were asked to help oversee project implementation.

Locals hope that the establishment of the factory which khabarnya cooperating Malaysian automaker Proton is also a positive impact on the village Demangan. The factory is expected to be a bit much memyerap employment of local residents.

Haters Mute, Car Factory Esemka April Jokowi will be inaugurated tomorrow
Photos when President Jokowi climbed the front hood esemka car.

It also affect the development of the people's economy. The factory is also expected to routinely provide social assistance to households in the vicinity.

The factory premises in Jalan Sambi-Mangu is about eight kilometers from the Adi Soemarmo Solo. In addition, it is also close to the gates of the Semarang-Solo toll road and Solo-Ngawi.

From the observation at the site, there are dozens of workers were working on a project. But they are reluctant to provide information. However, they acknowledged that the project in the first phase should be completed within six months. Meanwhile, the person in charge of the project Budiyanto was not at the scene.
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