Former president of Indonesia to 3 crowned as the owner of the highest IQ throughout human history

Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie

Independent News - Former president of Indonesia to 3 crowned as the owner of the highest IQ in the history of mankind, but not waste the nation Indonesia

A website has released 10 man with the highest IQ with the title of People With The Highest IQ Ever

Recorded as follows:

1. BJ Habibie IQ 200

2. Isaac Newton IQ 190

3. Galileo Galilei IQ 165

4. Al Bert Einstein IQ 160

Achievement BJ Habibie:

1 - As The minister / head of BPPT

2 - As the Managing Director of PT Dirgantara

3 - As the architect N250-art aircraft in World

4 - As President to 3

5 - When Becoming President of all Muslim minister

6 - When Appointed President Lowers Dollar Success of 1 U $ = 15 000 to 1 U $ = 7000

7 - As the owner 46 Patents in the field of Aeronautics (in Flight) that adds personal turnover of hundreds of billion per month from royalties derived from aircraft companies around the world

8 - That became his favorite television show is watching Haafiz CILIK INDONESIA IN RCTI and invited 10 best participants Hafidzn Young to his private house in Patra Kuningan.
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