surprised the virtual world, this image is lost when viewing !

Born Independent - Some of these days, cyberspace digaduhkan by the emergence of a photograph ngeblur colored paintings. This photo was considered miraculous, because if you stare long enough, all of the colors in this picture will disappear without a trace.

Yes, you try to observe carefully the first photo uploaded on this Without batting an eye gaze and focus for a few seconds, ideally 20 seconds. And the picture will disappear and appear white color.

But this is not magic, but the photo does contain an element of optical illusion. In some of the comments in the virtual world that try to explain this unique phenomenon, revealed when the color photos that will be turned white due to the eye trying to rearrange the white balance in the image.

Impact, part of the photo with the color over time are now evident ngeblur white. It is then transmitted to a stronger color until all colors disappear.
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