Indonesian police heroic action

Born Independent - Later public again shocked by the heroic actions of a police officer. He is Brigadier Mirza Dwi Rifki suddenly become discussion of a number of online media over the 71-year-old grandmother helped to cross the road.

Brigadier Mirza when it happened to be in charge of managing traffic at Jalan Raya Soekarno Hatta Cepiring, Kendal, Central Java. Seeing a grandmother who fear when they wanted to cross the street, he intends to help.

However, because they just looked scared, Brigadier Mirza finally carrying the grandmother so that she feels safe. The action inevitably rose immediately received attention and praise from netizens.

"The reforms succeeded. Love Police," said a netizen. "In addition to maintaining security, the officer has the spirit of helping. Settled right yes," said another netter.

Meanwhile, Brigadier Mirza himself explained that what he did that it was his job as a policeman. According to him, this is a form of police services to the public.

"As a police officer, my heart immediately moved separately holding grandma before, so the grandmother feel safe and protected," he said. "Excellent service with what they are, serve sincerely."

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