whether flooding in the city of Jakarta Indonesia as a result of a power struggle?

Independent News - Flooding has become commonplace in Jakarta every rainy season arrives. Jakarta is a city center or the highway Indonesian government called by the nickname of a thousand islands.

Piles of garbage is one of the main causes. But who would have thought that the flooding in Jakarta due to sabotage irresponsible person?

More recently, the Government of DKI Jakarta find the cause of the flood is quite odd. The local janitor found a pile wrap cables that clog the drains in Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan.

Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) suspected of the alleged sabotage of flooding caused by waste wrap the cable. Ahok said, had found the alleged sabotage it since 2014. But, located at Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, then immediately cleared.

However, now even found a similar blockage in Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan. Cable wrap pile of sewers in the street it reached approximately nine tailgate.

Before Medan Merdeka Selatan, other strange findings have been raised in the region Fatmawati. Officers found no portal road and tires in the canal. Officers were immediately lifted unorthodox trash it.

Evidence of sabotage in the event of flooding this time is still fairly minimal. However, the Jakarta City Government is still investigating whether the incident was work irresponsible elements. What do you think?

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