222 gram diamond, grandfather claimed to get it while fighting

Shamsu.id - Qarsing, grandfather diamond owner 222 grams, finally come clean about the origin of the diamonds will be sold Rp 7 trillion (RI) or 400 million dollars (US) in order to pay the country's debt.
"A diamond that we have had since the days of the war. At that time, I was still struggling against the Netherlands with Kahar Muzakkar in Wajo, South Sulawesi,"
said Qarsing at his family home in the town of Pare Pare, South Sulawesi, on Wednesday (05/06/2016).

However, Qarsing not willing to mention the full address of the location of the discovery of diamonds. He also shut up about from whom he got the diamonds were in Wajo.

This afternoon, the plan Qarsing go to Sebatik, North Borneo, which is the border between Indonesia and Malaysia.

"I can call from a member of parliament in Sebatik about my diamond sales. Who knows there is interest and could ease the country's debt load," said Qarsing.

Qarsing admitted today to get the diamond was not alone. Friends in arms when it is also getting the same diamond.

"The possibility of not just me who get the diamonds at the time," said Qarsing.
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