shocking! 900 Snake Chinese lady took off for the sake of good fortune !

900 Snake Chinese lady took off for the sake of good fortune - Shocking news came from China. A woman reported to have rescued 900 snakes in Nanjing.

"For the sake of good karma," as reported by People's Daily, China's Twitter account @PDChina, Saturday (06/04/2016).

Post photos in cyberspace snake bag was then sparked criticism from netizens.

"@PDChina That is absolutely not cool. Why not 900 rabbits were removed?" writes Peter Zhengomentar on the photo.

"@bellsnwhistles @PDChina Shit. Glad I'm not married to one woman eject the snake ..." said Fritz @ Fritz303 account.

While others feel the reptiles it should not be removed as such.

"@PDChina I do not like snakes, but still, we have to protect them," comments @BobLcw.

After posting the photo was circulated, further investigation is now being conducted by the local authorities.
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