Barge Karam and the Master Fleeing

Indonesian News - The barge named KM Jaya Kuta GT 100 reportedly sank in waters off Aceh Timur, Aceh, on Wednesday, February 11, 2016. The ship was carrying more than 700 bales of used clothing suspected of illegally from Malaysia.

Based on information compiled, the ship was found stranded without an owner in the waters of East Aceh. The ship owner allegedly fled after the ship ran aground.
Lhokseumawe Naval Base Commander, Colonel Marines Nasrudin, confirmed the incident. Navy officials have seized pieces of clothing that brought the ship.

"Initially we got the news of barges stranded in the waters of East Aceh. I gave orders to members of the Navy in Langsa area to patrol. When the weather is extreme, then we move on Wednesday, and managed to locate the ship without their owners, "said Nasrudin on Thursday, February 11, 2016.

After being searched, officers found over 700 bales of used clothing. The authorities found no crew or skipper. "We found is not inhabited anymore, tekongnya already blurred," said Nasrudin.

He explained that the goods in the ship were scattered in the sea due to the vessel aground. Local residents also looted goods alleged that Malaysian products. The rest will be confiscated by the navy as evidence.
TNI is still hunting for the owner of a ship carrying illegal goods. He suspects, the owner and the crew also brought other more valuable items so choose to leave the ship and used clothing.

"We believe they were carrying other valuables that were more expensive. If not, certainly they are reluctant to leave his ship in the waters of East Aceh, "said Nasrudin. (Ase)Barge Karam and the Master Fleeing
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