Again, Fighter TNI falling

Aerospace world country back mourning. Fighter trainer aircraft belonging to the Air Force crashed in a densely populated residential in Laksda Jalan Sucipto, District Blimbing, Malang, East Java, around 10:00 am, Wednesday, February 10, 2016. Aircraft type EMB 314 Super Tucano it fell on the house belonging Mujianto.

Two civilians who were in the house died, after crushed fuselage. Two deaths named Erna Wahyuningtyas, which is none other than the wife of Mujianto, pawnbroker. While the other residents are Nurcholis, people living in the boarding house Mujianto.

The sad news also came from the pilot, Major (Pilot) Ivy Safatillah. Although time to eject the ejection seat, but the condition can not be saved. Mayor Ivy was found dead in paddy fields in the hamlet Bunut, Singosari, Malang.

The pilot's body was found in a condition facedown in the mud fields, and the pilot's seat was found about 100 meters from the location of the bodies found. While an air crew Sergeant Saiful Arief Rahman, was also found dead in the cockpit of the aircraft.

Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Air Marshal TNI Agus Supriatna justify the fall incident types the Super Tucano trainer aircraft belonging to the Air Force in Malang, East Java, on Wednesday morning.
According to Marshal Agus, the Brazilian-made training plane crashed, when the pilot was carrying out a test flight after maintenance 300 flight hours.

"When (fly) 25 thousand (feet) there are no obstacles, 15 thousand (feet) no problem, after falling down there," said Marshal Agus, an interview with Reuters on Wednesday.

Marshal Agus asserted, it has not been able to explain in detail the incidence of collapse of the Air Force fighter trainer aircraft. He wanted to make sure the actual events in the following location with the victim. "I'll be there, want to see live, I'm already in the air," he said on the same occasion.
Moreover, the incidence of Super Tucano plane crash earlier this year adds to the long list of Air Force plane crashes in the last year. Moreover, not even two months, a similar incident occurred at the end of 2015.

Yes, fighter T-50 Golden Eagle belonging to the Indonesian Air Force crashed, after maneuvering "Loops" at the top of Runway Adisutjipto, Yogyakarta, Sunday, December 20th, 2015. Two crew members, pilot Lieutenant Colonel (Pilot) Marda Sarjono and co-pilot Captain (Pilot) Dwi Cahyadi killed on the spot.

Before the Golden Eagle falls, at least four incidents of military aircraft accidents occurred throughout 2015. Among other things, the collision incident involving the aircraft KT-I B Wong Bee, used Jupiter Aerobatic Team (JAT) Air Force in Langkawi, Malaysia, on March 15, 2015. Luckily, the pilot and co-pilot escaped with a chair thrower.

Then, an F-16 fighter jet belonging to the Air Force on fire, after a failed takeoff at Air Force Base (AFB), Halim Perdanakusuma in Jakarta on Thursday morning, April 16, 2015. There were no casualties in the incident. The pilot, Lieutenant Colonel Firman Dwi Cahyono Airmen worked out to escape before the plane caught fire great.
Over two months after the incident, the Air Force plane crash occurred again. C130 Hercules transport aircraft types fell and hit settlements in the city of Medan, North Sumatra, on Monday afternoon, June 30, 2015. A total of 141 people were killed died in the incident, including TNI soldiers and civilians on the plane, as well as the citizens affected.
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