Arab Fight ISIS

In recent years, the Daulah Islamiyah extremist groups in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) is a scourge for the international community. Arab countries, the US, France, Germany and Turkey often made annoyed with ISIS actions that terrorized, kidnapped, and even killed.

The threat of this group is increasing despite the military campaign continues in his native country, Iraq and Syria. A number of terror attacks, like in Paris November 2015 and in Jakarta in January 2016, allegedly carried out by sympathizers of ISIS.
Not surprisingly, the US Director of Intelligence, James Clapper, warned that the ISIS attack range has expanded. ISIS It is evident that replaces the role of a group of al-Qaeda as the main enemy of the world.

"The group ISIS have an increased ability to steer and increasing attacks on targets more widely around the world," Clapper said, as quoted by CNN news station.

In fact, Lt. Gen. Vincent R. Stewart, Director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, issued a surprise statement that ISIS seeks to attack the United States this year. "They are likely to seek to launch more attacks in Europe, and trying to direct attacks on the United States in 2016," he said.

Various modes

Not only that. Stewart went on ISIS take advantage of the flow of refugees to conduct terror operations. They are also good at manipulating the passport so that it can be free to travel anywhere as legal travelers.

ISIS fighters are reported to have seized the passport facility Syria with machine capable of making passports. Stewart estimates, the extremists are still active in 40 countries, and is now more terrorists taking refuge in a safe place.

"ISIS and eight branches is the ultimate terrorist threat. They hide behind the refugee exodus from Iraq and Syria to reach out to other countries, "he said.

Quoting CNN's website, more than 38,200 foreign fighters from 100 countries, including at least 6,900 from Western countries, went to Syria since 2012. About the campaign of counter-ISIS in Iraq and Syria, said Stewart, impossible to liberate the city of Mosul in Iraq 2016.

Nevertheless, US President Barack Obama refused to send its troops into the Syrian civil war given the US experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. However, last year, a little loose, and approved the decision to send 50 US personnel to conduct special operations.

Alliance Minus Syria

So, what US ally? France and Turkey had already declared war opponent ISIS. The two countries eventually plunge into the battle because of the terror experienced suicide bombing incident.

Followed by Germany which sent his army of 1,200 personnel in December to Syria and provide six Tornado reconnaissance jets and a frigate to protect French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle.

Reporting from Russia Today's website, the US Defence Secretary, Ashton Carter sent a letter to the German Defence Minister Ursula von der Leyen, the contents of which Washington is now seeking greater military contribution from Berlin to fight ISIS.

Meanwhile, German Chancellor Angela Merkel stressed that the German contingent will not work with the Syrian government forces there. "International Alliance against ISIS does not include Assad and his forces," he said.

According to Markel, Berlin can not just sit back see brutal acts assessed ISIS continues to perform inhuman acts. "They (ISIS) establish terror in parts of Iraq and Syria, and is a direct threat to all of Europe," he said.

Merkel also praised Germany's contribution in helping the fight against ISIS in Iraq, where Germany currently provide weapons and training for Kurdish fighters. US allies also not forget the other Arab countries.

The role of Saudi Arabia
Yes, under the command of Saudi Arabia, as many as 34 Muslim countries, among others, consist of Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Pakistan and Turkey, except Iran and Syria, ready to fight ISIS.
However, the latest news, as quoted by the Reuters site, said that the Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, Adel al-Jubeir, even temporarily postpone the dispatch of special forces of Saudi Arabia to Syria for several reasons.

"There are discussions relating to our troop contingent that will operate in Syria under the leadership of the US. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has declared its readiness to provide special forces in this operation, "said al-Jubeir.

He was speaking to reporters after meeting with US Secretary of State, John Kerry for two days. However, al-Jubeir declined to say how many troops Saudi Arabia may be ready to send.

Foreign Ministry spokesman, John Kirby, said if his party welcomed the support of its ally. But he did not say when the troops were sent and Saudi Arabia began to arrive in Syria.

It has been almost five years of Syrian civil war lasted. At least 250 thousand people were killed and more than 10 million people have left their homes and flee to countries that are considered safe.

Syrian troops advanced towards the Turkish border on Monday, the Russian-backed sporadic attacks and Iran. Anti-government rebels said the attack is clearly threatening the future of Syria and further strengthens the position of President Bashar al-Assad.
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