Born Independent - Yi Miao Miao, a seven-year-old Chinese boy with a sincere caring grandmother and grandfather who was sick kara. Yi should bear this heavy burden because he abandoned his parents.
Yi's father was killed in a car accident late last year, while his mother abandoned him after her husband died.
Staying in the village of Hubei, Yi is still seven years doing all the tasks that should be done is bigger than him, such as washing, cleaning the house, even cooking. Page Shanghaiist, Friday (26/2), reported he was only three of us with my grandmother and grandfather in their family home in the village.
"His grandmother was mentally ill and could not use his right hand, while his grandfather was diagnosed with skin disease that requires him to be in the house to avoid allergies," media reported China Daily.
Nevertheless, this kid could well divide their time between caring for family members with both schools.
Acts Yi is not much different from those experienced by boys in Guizhou Province. The boy had to take care of themselves dying father after her mother left them alone.
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