Olivia Munn beautiful artist got seriously injured during a training movie X-Men: Apocalypse

Shamsu Son's-HZ
Shamsu.id - Psylocke actor in the movie "X-Men: Apocalypse", Olivia Munn showed off her smooth thighs are full of bruises on his Instagram account. He acknowledged the bruising on the failure of a number of training and action scenes for her role as psylocke

Bruises on her hip Olivia Munn, the large numbers of a large enough size. By posting on Instagram, it is known that the photo was taken after a fight scene in the summer of last year.

Olivia Munn recognized himself in the question-and-answer session on Twitter that he suffered a lot of injuries during practice. "Most of it was self-inflicted. I have pictures of my feet on the right smitten single to my hip. And it was when I tried at home for only learn the sword. And before I asked to exercise the sword sharply.
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